Progressive Web Apps

Did you know there’s a way for your brand to reach as many people as possible – regardless of their device, internet connection or operating platform?

Welcome to Progressive Web Applications from Built to Roam.

We’re here to show you how to get in front of more customers than you ever imagined. We don’t just build apps – we want to be your digital strategy partner. Making technology simple for you and your customers.

What is a Progressive Web App?

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are a hot topic in the tech world for their ability to transform customers’ experiences online.

The term was only coined in 2015 by Alex Russell, a designer, and Frances Berriman, a Google Chrome engineer. It’s a fancy way of talking about a software application that can run on any browser, operating platform or device.

PWAs can be a blend of standard web applications and conventional native applications – taking the best from both worlds to deliver a superior user experience. They’re light, agile and can be accessed offline – a real plus for areas with limited internet connectivity.

Why should you take notice? What’s in it for your brand?

A Progressive Web App gives you one app that targets every single platform. You can reach the whole market as you’re not limited by making an app just for iOS, Android or web.

PWAs can be comprehensive apps or are the perfect solution for when your app does not need to leverage all the capabilities of a native app. They allow you to focus your development efforts thanks to a single UX and environment offering a reduced need for testing and lower maintenance.

We’re proud to be advancing the use of progressive web apps in Australia and love seeing this innovation grow.

Why create a Progressive Web App?

It’s simple – they’re fast, reliable and engaging.

For your brand to truly stand out online these days, you need to find new and innovative ways to connect – no matter which operating platform or device the customer is using or what time of day, location or network coverage they’re in.

Large parts of Australia still don’t have stable, fast internet connections and, even with the NBN, urban internet speeds can still be an issue. Delivering a fast experience that is still accessible and interesting is key.

Progressive Web Apps are the answer because they are:

  • Fast – they’re code-light, so quick to download without needing to go to an app store and because you can cache the data, they start up without needing an internet connection.
  • Reliable – functionality can be built in so that even in areas of limited or no internet connectivity, the apps are still accessible and capable of displaying useful and meaningful data.
  • Engaging – they can send notifications to the user to keep them engaged and interacting with the app.
  • Seamless – they are built on a single codebase but behave like a native app, sitting on a user’s home screen and making use of each device’s functionalities.
  • Cost-effective – they’re built once, then maintained from that single codebase, reducing the cost of updates and further development.
  • Responsive – they can adapt to different screen sizes and orientations – ensuring good user experiences across all devices.
  • Secure – they’re served over a secure connection by default, meaning your data is as safe as possible.

Progressive Web Apps with Built to Roam

Here at Built to Roam, we believe Progressive Web Apps are a cost-effective alternative for building cross-platform apps. That’s why we’re proud to be one of only a handful of Progressive Web App developers in Australia. And why we want to build your Progressive Web App.

We’ll be on hand to support you at every turn, introducing new technologies as they come online and maintaining the engaging experience your customers will come to expect.

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Want to know more about Progressive Web Apps?

One of the best parts from a Progressive Web App developer’s perspective is that they’re fast, secure and native-like. Despite being a relatively new technology, they’re rapidly being adopted by everyone from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Amazon, Facebook and Twitter are just some of the brands who’ve invested in Progressive Web Apps. It’s easy to see why they’re now hitting the digital market in rapid-fire succession. There are four minimum requirements for an application to be considered a Progressive Web App:


The Web App Manifest, as a json file, gives meta information about the app such as the icon, background colour and name which is then served as notifications to the user.

Home screen

A jpeg image that will form the icon the user sees on their application drawer/home screen.


PWAs must be served over a secure network. An SSL certificate shows that your app is on a trusted site and protects it against attacks.

Offline via caching

PWAs use a Service Worker to make the apps fast and available offline. They’re event-driven workers that run in the background, acting as a proxy between the network and the application.